It’s been an amazing journey
ILM Academy students shine every day, whether in their behavior or academics. One measure of that success is in the standardized testing results. As a school, we believe that authentic assessment of student achievement is measured on a daily basis through a variety of activities over an extended period of time and not by a single test administered on a single day, however, standardized tests do provide a benchmark against which to measure the progress of the students and the school. Results from the Stanford Achievement Test and Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test show that ILM Academy students score well above their peers nationwide across grade levels.
ILM Academy strives to provide an interactive, holistic, and nurturing approach to each student’s education. Our students grow in an atmosphere that integrates Islamic values with critical thinking and innovative problem solving. Each student is given the opportunity to become a socially aware, global citizen who is ready to lead in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), embodying the guiding principle of ihsan, or excellence in all things, in service to God, family, and community.
ILM Academy’s mission is to cultivate excellence in academics, Islamic character, leadership, and service to God and humanity.
ILM Academy students have an incredible amount of confidence. Their demeanor and behavior is very respectful, and very rarely have we had any discipline issues. Our students are academically focused, and our goal is to help instill good moral character. It is a very inclusive community here at ILM Academy. Each student has a very vibrant personality, and they treat each other like a close-knit family despite any difference in their age, grade, or gender.

Our remarkable alumni are a vital component of our school. We are sincerely proud of all our alums and revere their phenomenal confidence. We are proud to say that 100% of our alumni are in Advanced Placement and/or honors courses in their high schools. Some of whom are attending private, magnet, and charter schools maintaining positions in the top 20% of their class. ILM Academy Alumni reflect confidence in practicing Islam among their non-Muslim peers as well as confidence in their identity and knowledge about Islam to answer questions and have conversations about Islam with their peers.
I truly believe that Ilm Academy’s curriculum and Islamic studies prepared me to for success in high school. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I highly recommend Ilm Academy.
~ H.S.
Overall, they feel that ILM Academy has prepared them to maintain their Islamic Identity in high school, which is the main Mission and Vision of our school. They love to keep in touch and stay involved by volunteering at our events, attending our workshops and our Gala, and participating in our annual Alumni Project with fellow Middle School students. We value their input and discuss at alumni meetings how ILM Academy can further improve its operations.
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Our hours of operation are from 7:45 am to 3:30 pm on all school days other than breaks and holidays, such as, but not limited to, Labor Day, Eid ul-Adha, Thanksgiving break, and winter break.
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